Sunday, September 9, 2007

Communicating with voters

It's all been a bit confusing over the last week or so, with Fed Reps receiving two faxes - one from another candidate and one supporting that candidate.

Quite a few people have asked me whether they are obliged to pass these faxes on.

The answer is no! They are private communications, not official Federation faxes, so you are free to deal with them as you see fit.

During an election, no resources of the Federation can be used, so all mailouts and other communications are paid for privately and organised outside work time.
Mindful of the demands placed on Fed Reps, and that seeking assistance to draw attention to election campaign material is a private matter, not an official Federation activity, I have chosen to keep requests of Fed Reps to a minimum.

A leaflet and poster will be mailed soon, and I will therefore be very grateful if you would distribute them to Federation members at your workplace. It is really important to encourage people to vote, so that the democratic structures of the union are amply demonstrated.

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